We provide pet healthcare solutions with a full spectrum of 14 veterinary specialties.

  • Surgery
  • Orthopedics
  • Ophthalmology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Oncology
  • Neurology
  • Anesthesiology
  • Radiology
  • Cardiology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Felidae
  • Exotic Animal Medicine
  • Chinese Veterinary Studies

Science and Technology Lead the New Era of Pet Care

We are dedicated to providing a smart solution through the application of AI, big data and cloud computing to improve the quality of pet care services. We innovate an intelligent pet care system with ERP, HIS, CDSS and PACS which enables dog nose recognition, remote treatment, remote education and digital medical records. The solution helps improve the efficiency of registering and diagnosis, and leads the way in pet care access.

Optimized wellness of your pets is our top priority. This shows in our state of art equipments and facilities, ranging from CT, MRI, color ultrasound diagnostic instrument, STORZ, smart ICU, series of cataract treatment equipment (inclu. ultrasonic vitrectomy system), animal hip replacement system, animal hemodialysis machine, C-arm, PCR, operating microscope, HD teaching system, DR, breathing anesthesia machine, which worth billions of investments. We also established the Veterinary Diagnosis Division, which consists of clinical laboratories to enhance precise and accurate diagnostic services.

Everything We Do Comes From Our Desire to Improve Animal Welfare

We have established our pet hospital referral system. Through appointment, consulting guidance, consulting referral, face-to-face consulting, remote consulting and intelligent healthcare, we help deliver superior health care and services to those who need it. We also strive to build the management system for diagnostics, specialists, professional training and certification, and other top-of-the-line healthcare ecosystems in the field of digitization, smart decision-making, digital medical record management, remote diagnostic and MDT, aiming at utilizing healthcare resources.

In the upcoming 5 years, we are privileged with the 1+P+C strategy to grow into a modernized and international smart healthcare group. Together we are working to empower veterinary profession and medical digitization, aiming at making precise and in-depth treatment available for every pet. After all, everything we do comes from our desire to improve animal welfare.